
Monday, October 18, 2010

Virginia Beach Republican Committee Chair Forwards Racist Email

(Updates, including Glenn Nye's, Scott Rigell's, and DPVA's statements, are after the "fold." - promoted by lowkell)

David Bartholomew, Chair of the Virginia Beach Republican Committee, has been forwarding around a "joke" via email. The only problem, other than the fact that it's not particularly funny, is that it's blatantly racist. Check it out.
I went down this morning to sign up my Dog for welfare.At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare".
So I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak
English and has no frigging clue who his Daddy is.
So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify...
My Dog gets his first check Friday.
Is this is a great country or what?
How do I know that it's Dave Bartholomew forwarding this racist "joke" around? On the RPVB website, his email's publicly listed as  And the email is from? Drumroll please...
Busted!  By the way, check out the photo above, of 2nd CD Republican Congressional candidate Scott Rigell and David Bartholomew. I can't wait to hear what Rigell has to say about this one.

UPDATE: Rep. Glenn Nye has issued a statement.
This type of racist behavior has no place in politics. I call on Dave Bartholomew to resign immediately. I also call on Scott Rigell to join me in condemning this divisive, narrow-minded behavior by demanding Bartholomew's resignation.

UPDATE #2: Virginia Beach Democratic Commitee Chair Susan Mariner issued a statement:
I am baffled by Mr. Bartholomew's unabashed propagation of prejudice and hate. I'd like to believe that Scott Rigell doesn't share these sentiments but sadly, we are the company we keep. I hope that Scott denounces this intolerance and embraces the 21st century.

UPDATE #3: DPVA issues a statement.
The Democratic Party of Virginia today reacted to the disgusting and racist remarks made by top Rigell advisor and Virginia Beach Republican Chairman, David Bartholomew. Blue Virginia first reported the racist and inflammatory email circulated by David Bartholomew.Upon learning of Bartholomew's blatant racism, Virginia Democratic Party Chairman Dick Cranwell said "As a key advisor for the Rigell campaign, Bartholomew's racism is out of touch, insensitive, and has no place in American politics. Scott Rigell needs to demand Bartholomew's resignation immediately.  To do any less would mean that Mr. Rigell shares this world view."
Gaylene Kanoyton, First Vice Chair of the Virginia Democratic Committee said, "In 2010, it's abhorrent that Scott Rigell would keep this sort of company.  This is the kind of attitude that I, and many in my community, have fought so hard to do away with. I hope that Scott Rigell will do the right thing and call on Mr. Bartholomew to resign, and join the rest of us in reason, tolerance, and mutual respect."
Susan Mariner, Chair of the Virginia Beach Democratic Committee said, "I am baffled by Mr. Bartholomew's unabashed propagation of prejudice and hate. I'd like to believe that Scott Rigell doesn't share these sentiments but sadly, we are the company we keep. I hope that Scott denounces this intolerance and embraces the 21st century."

UPDATE #4: Scott Rigell issues a statement.
The email sent by Republican Party of Virginia Beach Chairman David Bartholomew is reprehensible. It stands in stark contrast to the core values of the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, and my personal belief in a colorblind society. I call upon Mr. Bartholomew to immediately resign his position as Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia Beach.

UPDATE #5: Sen. Donald McEachin issues a statement.
Senator A. Donald McEachin (D-Henrico) today called on the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor and the Attorney General to repudiate the disgusting racism stated by one of their Party leaders. "I will not even demean myself or the honorable citizens of Virginia to repeat the egregious words in the email apparently distributed by the Republican Party chair of Virginia Beach. I would ask the governor, the lieutenant governor and the attorney general, the three statewide leaders of their Party, to not only renounce and reject this vile language but to ask that this individual relinquish his post. For this individual to be a Party leader in an official position of the Republican Party of Virginia says it all. In the absence of strong statements by Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling and Ken Cuccinelli, it is only fair to assume that these three elected officials condone such despicable and contemptible behavior. Their absence does and will speak volumes."These are perilous economic times and many Americans and Virginians, of all colors, ethnicities and backgrounds find themselves without employment. As they desperately search for a new job and a way to take care of their family, some of them have to turn to the safety net that we have in place for that very reason. To compare these hardworking Virginians to an individual's dog is insulting not just to any one race, but to all Virginians. These citizens are deserving of our compassion and assistance. They are asking only for a hand up so that they, too, can find a well-paying job to support themselves and their loved ones. I can only hope that our governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general have compassion for those who find themselves unemployed and going through struggle and that they recognize that to mock and demean these people in such a horrific way is totally unacceptable.
"I await the words and actions of Governor McDonnell, Lieutenant Governor Bolling and Attorney General Cuccinelli. Every minute they don't respond and repudiate this contemptible email and every minute they do not ask this individual to resign his position sends Virginians a message about their values and their leadership."