I just listened to about 40 minutes of the WTOP debate between 11th CD candidates Rep. Gerry Connolly (D) and Keith Fimian (R). My overall impression was that these guys don't like each other - at all. But besides that, I was struck at how extreme Fimian is for this district, and how shocking it will be if he wins next Tuesday. A few examples:*While Fimian says his "heart goes out" to victims of rape or incest, he opposes abortion even in those horrible cases. That's right, he supports making a woman carry the child or their rapist to term. That puts Fimian on the opposite side of about 80% of Americans, according to apoll by Virginia Commonwealth University in May 2010. Wow. *Fimian tried to wriggle out of his comment that "at Virginia Tech if one of those kids in one of those classrooms was packing heat I think that that would not have happened." According to Fimian, what he really meant to say was that - get this - he was actually talking about security guards. Wait, didn't that quote say "one of those kids?" Security guards, kids...eh, same thing in Keith Fimian's world. *Fimian said he's not only against embryonic stem cell research, but that this line of research "shows no promise!" In fact, that's almost exactly backwards; it's the pluripotent nature of embryonic stem cells that make it, by FAR, the most promising avenue for medical research into curing diseases ranging from Parkinsons to Alzheimers to cancer to heart disease to diabetes to paralysis to...well, you get the idea. Apparently, Keith Fimian cares more about days-old embryos that would be discarded anyway than children and adults with diseases that could be cured, but won't be, because of his extremism. Now, Keith Fimian can try to avoid these issues all he wants, resort to his stale talking points about "Obama and Pelosi" all he wants, but he can't escape the reality that he's an extremist who's far, FAR outside the mainstream in America, let alone in Virginia's 11th district. Think about that when you go to the polls next Tuesday. |