Over at Not Larry Sabato, Ben Tribbett is doing some serious, investigative reporting/muckraking on the "movers and shakers," the "rich and powerful." You know, the kind or reporting that newspapers used to do, when they actually cared about digging up real news, and not just about figuring a way to stay in business by reporting "soft news" and "infotainment?" Anyway, I'm glad to see that somebody is finally shining a bit of sunlight on one of these cozy, politician-lobbyist shmoozapaloozas. And yes, there are a number of reasons why we all should be concerned about this situation.First and foremost, anyone who cares about good government should be at least a bit uneasy by the thought of their representatives spending several days schmoozing, and being schmoozed by, the top corporate lobbyists in Virginia. Unless, that is, you believe in fairy dust, pixies, and that gifts don't come with strings attached. Take this factoid from NLS, for instance: "In recent years, the 22 members of the Democratic Caucus in the Virginia Senate have taken over $250,000 in personal gifts from these same lobbyists." And, as Ben points out, "that's only what has been disclosed." What's all that money for? Put it this way, if you or I threw a party like this at The Homestead, do you think any of these folks would show up? (hint: the answer starts with"N" and ends with "O"). I don't know about you, but this entire situation makes me extremely queasy. Second, as if that's not bad enough, this entire lovefest, whether it has an "R" or "D" after its name, occurs in the complete absence of sunshine. That's right, your lawmakers spend several days hobnobbing and hanging out with lobbyists from powerful corporations - construction, natural resources, power generation, you name it - without anybody keeping an eye on them. Apparently, that quaint institution known as the "fifth estate" (aka, "the press") is not invited. And, apparently, that quaint institution doesn't demand to be let in. Oh, and the "new media" isn't invited either; in fact, they're actively discouraged from attending (in this case, Ben figured out a way in, legally, without getting his butt arrested). I'm not sure which is more disturbing, but both should make anyone who cares about good and open government very uneasy.