Dear Joe,It was truly a sight to sicken the soul.On and on it goes about the "radical homosexuals" (aka, people who want the same rights as everyone else in America), the "dangerous" "Homosexual Agenda" (see previous paranthetical), "Thought Control" (who knows), "homosexual re-education classes" and the dreaded "Homosexual Classrooms Act" (everyone, altogether now - WTF?!?!?!).P.S. Don't forget, Delgaudio is practically "Best Friends Forever" with Del. Tom Rust. Oh, and don't forget, Rep. Frank Wolf said this about Delgaudio, "No one works harder than Eugene. He is not afraid to make the tough decisions and speak out for what he thinks is right." Also, in 2005, Delgaudio complained that "Frank Wolf's ringing endorsement will see little ink in area newspapers." Gotta love these "moderate" Republicans, hangin' with a homophobic head case like Delgaudio. The question is, how long are people going to let them get away with this charade? h/t: "Radical Homosexual" - heh - blog Joe. My. God. |