
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Will Loudoun County Republicans "return to the Dark Ages" Today? [UPDATE: Yes They Did!]

According to Too Conservative, the "fate of the [Loudoun County Republican Committee]" is being determined from 10am to 2 pm today at Belmont Ridge Middle School. As "Loudoun Insider" writes, "Choose confident, committed, and responsible leadership in Candace Strother, or a return to the Dark Ages. Your decision, people."

The candidates are former Reagan Administration Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor (for OSHA) Candace Strother and Mark Sell. A few factoids on Sell:

*Equality Loudoun writes, Sell is "a close associate of professional gay-basher Eugene Delgaudio."

*Too Conservative reports that the infamous Dick "Baby Pesticides" Black endorsed Sell.

*NOVA Townhall blog posts an endorsement of Sell from none other than our crazy gay-bashing, climate-change-denying Attorney General. Cooch writes, "Mark has worked side-by-side with many of us over the last decade on key conservative issues ranging from the fight against tax hikes to the Marriage Amendment."

Along with the choice for 10th CD Republican chair, today's election will definitely help define what the Republican Party in this part of Virginia stands for, and specifically whether they choose to go off the Delgaudio/Cooch extremist deep end into political oblivion. As a partisan Democrat, part of me is hoping for the latter. But as a Virginian and an American, a bigger part of me is hoping that Republicans come to their senses and draw back from the abyss. We'll see.

UPDATE: LoudounGOP tweets, "Mark Sell elected as LCRC Chairman"

UPDATE #2: All hell apparently breaks loose over at Too Conservative, with Loudoun Insider writing, "Suzanne’s Bitch Pulls It Out!"

UPDATE #3: Extreme homophobic bigot Eugene Delgaudio is jumping up and down for joy.
Mark Sell wins over Candace Strother 512-458

Sterling turned out big time and Mark Sell is elected today in a special election for Chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Party, an unpaid position.

Sell had been endorsed by Eugene Delgaudio, Mike Farris, Dick Black, Suzanne Volpe and Virginia's top conservative leader Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

Thanks goes to the Sterling crowed that turned out in response to messages from Delgaudio and Cuccinelli in recent days and decided to send a message to the Democratic Party and President Obama and his allies on the local Board of Supervisors to reduce spending and lower taxes.