
Monday, March 8, 2010

Virginia's Budget Problems Solved!

Thanks to a reader for sharing this solution to Virginia's budget problems. Now, if we can just get the General Assembly to listen! ;)
Had one of those wild thoughts while standing in line waiting for something or other earlier today that just might help close Virginia's budget deficit.

Currently there is a debate on-going in South Carolina for the repeal of the state's "Subversive Activities Registration Act". If VA were to institute such a subversives registration program with a a fee similar to that charged in SC, then under the current definition of subversives I'm sure that VA's budget woes would be completely erased.

If we were to expand the definition of subversives to gays, people of color, alcoholics, non-Christians and those Christians that aren't currently held in high repute with the members of the Belles of Heaven Republican Womens Club, then I would have no doubt in my mind that the resulting revenue stream would far outweigh the revenue stream from the Governor's proposal to include royalties from off-shore oil drilling!

Budget problem solved!

Think I'll contact [my state senator/delegate] and have him introduce a bill this session at the earliest possible opportunity.