
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

AFSCME, Farm Team, PCCC Endorse Krystal Ball for Congress

Good news from the Krystal Ball for Congress campaign.
As the nominating process to select the Democratic candidate for Virginia’s First Congressional District kicks off, key Democratic constituency groups are making it known who they think will be best prepared to take on Rob Wittman in November’s election.

Today, Krystal Ball for Congress has announced the support of three additional organizations; AFSCME, The Farm Team, and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC).

Adam Green of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) said, "We are very impressed by Krystal, her positions, her willingness to fight, and the Krystal Ball campaign operation."

"I have been so impressed with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee’s commitment to issues that are important to Democrats, especially their support of a strong public option," said Ball. "Their support, along with that of AFSCME and the Farm Team, gives us a sense of momentum going into this nominating process."

AFSCME is the largest public employee and health care workers union in the United States.
Congratulations to Krystal Ball on these impressive endorsements. If you want to contribute to Krystal's campaign and help ensure that we have a strong, progressive candidate in Virginia's 1st CD, please click here. Thanks.