
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Quick Report on Eileen Filler-Corn Event

Just a quick report as it's getting late. I just got back from a reception in support of Eileen Filler-Corn for Delegate. The event was held at the home of Terry and Dorothy McAuliffe in McLean, with "special guest" Mark Warner in attendance along with about 100 supporters of Filler-Corn (Rich Anthony, Krystal Ball, John Foust, Rex Simmons, Bruce Nielsen, Chris Ambrose, etc., etc.). There was a lot of energy in the crowd, and both McAuliffe and Warner spoke extremely highly of Filler-Corn.

Based on the energy I saw tonight, plus what I heard from people I spoke with at the event, it seems like Eileen's got momentum heading into the final days of the special election for Dave Marsden's former seat, but this is still likely to be a nail biter. Eileen's clearly the best qualified of the two candidates, that's not even a close call. Substantively, Eileen will fight to protect schools and teachers, while her Republican opponent will...uh, do what Republicans do, which is say "no" to everything, rubber stamp Bob McDonnell, and "cut, cut, cut some more." In short, you'd be crazy to vote Bolognese! :)

By the way, don't forget to help Eileen GOTV this weekend. On Saturday, Jim Webb kicks things off at 9:30 am at Eileen's campaign headquarters (5618 Ox Road, Suite C). Join him if you can and help Eileen hold this seat for the "blue team." Thanks.