
Monday, February 22, 2010

Krystal Ball for Congress Young Professional Reception at Zengo

Just a reminder on what promises to be a fun event this Wednesday. Come on by and meet Krystal if you can!

In other news, Krystal attended a candidates forum this past Saturday with the Stafford County Democrats. Krystal's campaign manager, Jonas Courey, live tweeted the event and it sounds like it went very well. Among other things, Krystal thanked Ted and Jackie Hontz for supporting her campaign. As you probably recall, Ted Hontz ran for the Democratic Congressional nomination in 2008, losing by a slight margin to Phil Forgit. In addition, Krystal thanked Congressman Bob Filner, Veterans Affairs Committee chair, for his endorsement. In sum, Krystal pointed out, "I have the edge in money, mobilization, and message." Sounds like we have a front runner in the 1st CD, come and meet her on Wednesday!