
Monday, January 25, 2010

"Wacko" To Take Over as 10th CD Republican Chairman?

It's very possible, according to Too Conservative:
... Jim Rich has just recently decided to not run for re-election as 10th District Chairman due to family concerns. At this time Leesburg businessman David Schmidt seems to be the only other candidate to file besides wacko Howie Lind. Schmidt is a good guy and will be the presumptive candidate for the mainstream...
What's really hilarious, aside from Too Conservative calling Howie Lind a "wacko," is that Ken Cuccinelli has endorsed the "wacko." That says it all, doesn't it?

Courtesy of Too Conservative, here's a bit more insight into what all this might mean for 10th CD Republican politics.
Who in the hell is this guy? A diehard to the end Jeff Frederick supporter you say! A guy who has missed more 10th District meetings than he has attended while on State Central, and who protested in front of the last 10th District fundraiser! For God’s sakes, Paul Lynde would have a better chance of being elected 10th District Chairman!!!
I don't know, this guy sounds perfect as 10th CD Republican Chairman -- go Lynde...I mean Lind, I say! :)

P.S. I wonder what Frank Wolf thinks about losing his confidant Jim Rich. Pretty soon, the only people Wolf's going to have to work with in the 10th are "freaky" (or is it "fruity") Eugene Delgaudio and "wacko" Howie Lind. Have fun!

P.P.S. What does Wolf do, support the "mainstream" guy over the "wacko" and piss of the "wacko"'s right-wing supporters? Alternatively, does Wolf support the "wacko" or move to the right in order to head off that threat, thus weakening himself for the general election? Yeah, pull up some popcorn, this could be entertaining.