
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is This A Joke?

All I can say is, if a Democrat proposed this, they'd be ridiculed by Republicans.
...the new governor's first round of budget cuts introduced by news release included only one-time trims and shifts in money, not long-term policy changes, to help make up for the state's multibillion-dollar budget shortfall.

The cuts are designed to offset $50 million of ambitious and costly proposals McDonnell (R) made last week to create jobs and spur economic development, including programs that lure businesses to the state, new investments in the tourism, wine and film industries, and reviving the economically distressed Southside region.
In sum, Bob McDonnell's going to address a multi-billion-dollar deficit by: a) spending $50 billion in scarce government revenues on, among other things, promoting the tourism, wine and film industries in Virginia; and b) nibbling around the edges of the enormous budget deficit with "one-time trims" and "shifts in money." Wow, is that impressive or what? I'll tell you, these Bushonomics-loving Republicans sure know how to...uh, well, talk a good game during their campaigns (and, of course, bash Democrats). Unfortunately for Virginia, that's about all they know how to do.

UPDATE: Here's video of McDonnell's news conference this morning, at which he introduced his "Jobs and Opportunity Agenda."