
Monday, January 11, 2010

Del. Lingamfelter (R) to Tea Partiers: Not All Americans Worthy of Self Governance

Great attitude:
Do Not Retreat. That was the twice-repeated message of Del. Scott Lingamfelter, R-31st, to a packed house of lobbyists-in-training at Chinn Park Regional Library on Saturday at 11 a.m.

"The trouble with this country today is we have fewer and fewer people who are worthy of self-governance," Lingamfelter said, in prelude to the 'how-to-lobby' seminar that was sponsored by the Prince William Tea Party, led by Yale and Nancy Schiffman. "The most important job in the U.S. today is to be a citizen."
Of course, Del. Lingamfelter was also a big fan of "abuser fees" - until he flipflopped, that is - so I'm not sure how seriously to take him. Still, it's pretty appalling that Del. Lingamfelter believes there are Americans who are unworthy of self governance.

h/t: Del. Albert Pollard