
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Coverage of McDonnell Inauguration

I can't really say that I'm a happy camper right now, as I don't believe this day should have ever to come to pass. Still, I congratulate Bob McDonnell and wish him luck as governor (with the huge challenges he faces, he'll need it!). I'll probably watch some of the inaugural here. I'll also be following it on the Washington Post's Virginia Politics blog and at Bearing Drift, where Jim Hoeft always does great work on this kind of thing. Also, check out Twitter feeds by Jeff Schapiro, Mark Keam, Andrew Rhew, David Englin, Salem Republican, Ryan Nobles, and several others.

Anyway, enjoy the inauguration of Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling and Ken Cuccinelli. On second thought...maybe not.

UPDATE 12:04 PM: Governor Kaine and inaugural committee introduced by House Majority Leader H. Morgan Griffith.

UPDATE 12:08 PM: Griffith presents Ken Cuccinelli as Attorney-General elect.

UPDATE 12:10 PM: Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell make their entrances. Michael Steele hugs McDonnell.

UPDATE 12:13 PM: Of course, the video feed is spotty. This is a bipartisan problem, can't anyone - with the exception of the blogger debate last year - get this right?!? So lame.

UPDATE 12:15 PM: The inaugural prayer concludes.

UPDATE 12:16 PM: National anthem sung by Jeanine McDonnell. Talented family!

UPDATE 12:19 PM: Thanks to Ben Tribbett for letting me know that CSPAN coverage actually works!

UPDATE 12:22 PM: Just saw Jim Webb in the crowd, also George Allen. But they're not next to each other as far as I can tell. Too bad, I was hoping to see "cowboy boots/combat boots!" :)

UPDATE 12:23 PM: Cuccinelli being sworn in, repeats the words, "That I will support the Constitution of the United States...faithfully and impartially discharge." Let's hope he means it (but I'm not optimistic)!

UPDATE 12:25 PM: Bill Bolling being sworn in, says he's more than ready. Judge Donald Lemons says "I'm sure you are!"

UPDATE 12:27 PM: Bob McDonnell being sworn in. 29th Division Band playing.

UPDATE 12:33 PM: Governor McDonnell delivering his inaugural address. Shoutout to Doug Wilder as first African American governor. Calls himself an average middle class kid from Fairfax County. Thanks "another descendant of Irish immigrants," Tim Kaine (who had already left). Pays tribute to his father and father-in-law, both of whom served in World War II. Thanks veterans, members of the military.

"Easing the burdens of government on a free people" line gets applause. Whatever. McDonnell talks about expanding opportunity, building a "Commonwealth of opportunity for all Virginians." "It starts with restoring economic opportunity for Virginians..." We must make Virginia the best state to start and grow a small business. "Reduce burdensome taxation and regulation." Invest to create economic prosperity. "Historic budget shortfall." "State government needs to define new ways to operate and to find savings." "reconsider and restore the proper and efficient role of government." "We must properly fund the core priorities of government." "Government cannot guarantee individual outcomes, but equality of opportunity must be guaranteed for all." "Access to a quality education is the foundation..." "World class education from pre-school to college." No child in Virginia should have future determined by place of birth of zip code. "We will work with President Obama" to expand charter schools. "A high school degree is no longer the finish line." Community colleges are crucial. McDonnell administration will demand excellence, reward performance, celebrate achievement.

"We will make Virginia the energy capital of the east coast." Growing natural gas and coal, nuclear, wind, solar, biomass, environmentally safe offshore oil production. We must improve transportation system. Virginia's and America's best days are not "history." "This Commonwealth will continue to blaze the trail." Look to the Founders and their writings for wisdom in governing. Bill of Rights. Central principle of federalism. Government closest to the people governs best. Richmond knows better than Washington. Fairfax, Virginia Beach, etc. know better than Richmond. (huh, how's that exactly?) Quotes JFK, "Ask not..."

All Virginians should get involved. "To whom much is given, much will be required." Much is required in this nation and the people of Haiti - donate generously. Sponsor a Little League team, give to charity, get involved, thank man or woman in law enforcement or military uniform for the preservation of our freedoms. "There's so much that each of us can leave this Commonwealth a better place than we found it." "No government program can possibly is every person's individual responsibility." "Mutually pledge to work together to create this Commonwealth of opportunity for all Virginians." "Eternal rules of order and right." "It is right to help one another." "It is right to provide opportunity to all our citizens." "Thank you, God bless Virginia, and God bless this great country."

Now, some Democratic reaction.

Kristin Smith tweets: "Ok, I'll give it to Mcdonnell, he is giving one hell of a speech. Minus the offshore drilling part, I'm down w/ he's said thus far."

Scott Surovell tweets: "Our new Governor starts off his term bashing federalism."

Vivian Paige tweets that Bob McDonnell "speaks of inclusion but unless I missed it the entire inauguration program was devoid of anyone black. So much for inclusion."

Jon Bowerbank tweets: "Yep, good job BMD. I truly hope he can deliver and I know we all want him to succeed; we are all here to offer our help." Also, "True, energy will help fuel (bad pun) job creation but not offshore E&P, it's here now already under the Appalachians." Finally, "Yep, good job BMD. I truly hope he can deliver and I know we all want him to succeed; we are all here to offer our help."

David Englin tweets: "thinks Gov's speech was appropriate, somewhat unifying, but highlight of Inauguration was still F-22 flyby - Go Air Force!"

UPDATE: The text of McDonnell's inaugural address is here.

Photo courtesy of Adam Rhew of WVIR-TV