Not content with publishing George Will's fabrications about the stolen emails (for which, see Carl Zimmer), they now have a piece by climate expert Sarah Palin. The Washington Post simply does not care about the accuracy of the columns it publishes. Let's look at just one paragraph...Short answer: none and none. Sadly, at this point in its lengthy-but-inevitable death throes, the Washington Post has turned into nothing more than worthless, tabloid/TV-quality trash. Given that fact, I would encourage everyone to consider canceling their subscriptions to this steaming pile of dog droppings immediately. Here's the link to "Subscriber Services", or simply call them at 202-334-6100 and tell them what they can do with their "newspaper."
The Wapo's report does not support any of the false claims in Palin's paragraph. No they didn't deliberately destroy data, no, they didn't try to stop their critics from publishing. And while the emails show there are many things that the scientists disagree on, they doesn't mean there is no consensus about anything -- they agree that it is getting warmer and that we are causing it.
So what use is the Washington Post? If they are not going to do even the most perfunctory fact checking on the stuff they publish, what value do they add?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
"The Washington Post can't go out of business fast enough."
Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz tweets, "WP ripped for running Palin op-ed." Let me just add, "and rightfully so!!!" I'd also point everyone to science writer Tim Lambert's article, appropriately entitled, "The Washington Post can't go out of business fast enough." Lambert continues: