
Monday, December 7, 2009

Tell Senators Webb, Warner to Vote No on Extreme Hatch/Nelson Amendment

A few hours ago, Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Ben Nelson (D-NE) filed an amendment to health care reform legislation that "would bar any federally subsidized insurance plan from covering elective abortions." If adopted, the Hatch/Nelson amendment could very well represent the most extreme new anti-choice federal law in a generation. What makes Hatch/Nelson so extreme is that it is more than just a ban on public funding of abortion, it actually would make it virtually impossible for insurance companies in the health-insurance exchange to offer abortion coverage even to women paying entirely with their own funds. This is radical stuff, way out of the mainstream of American public opinion (and, I would guess, Roe vs. Wade), and completely unacceptable. All of which is why it's essential that this amendment be defeated.

Needless to say, I would expect Senators Warner and Webb, both of whom have been pro-choice in the past, to vote "nay" on Hatch/Nelson. Unfortunately, right now I'm worried. Although many other Senators have already come out against Hatch/Nelson, stating their support for women's reproductive health care, neither Senator Webb nor Senator Warner has said anything at all. Perhaps they need a little "encouragement" to do the right thing here?

If you're concerned about this issue, I strongly encourage you to call both Senators' offices and let them know how you feel. Tell Senators Warner and Webb that you want them to ensure that no ban on abortion coverage is part of the Senate's version of the health care reform bill. Keep in mind that a vote on this amendment could happen as early as tomorrow, so if you're going to call, you should do so as soon as you can. Senator Webb's office number is (202)-224-4024, Senator Warner's is 202-224-2023.

As NARAL Virginia Executive Director, Tarina Keene, puts it:
We've been able to count on Senator Webb and Senator Warner as pro-choice advocates in the past and now should be no different. We need them to represent the values of Virginia and vote against any abortion coverage ban in the Health Care Reform bill.
Yes, we certainly do.