
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

No, The First Priority Should Be JOBS!!!

Sorry, Congressman Connolly, but you are dead wrong about this:
U.S. Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.) sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today signed by 13 other freshman Democrats urging the use of a "substantial portion" of unspent or repaid Troubled Asset Relief Program funds to reduce the federal deficit.

Connolly noted that some members of Congress have proposed ways to spend unused TARP funds, including job creation. "These are worthwhile projects," Connolly said, "but the first priority should be deficit reduction."
Look, this is very simple, doesn't even require the intelligence level even of the average Congresscritter. Let me say it real slow-like:

No. The. First. Priority. Should. Be. JOBS!!!