
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

More Pathetic Lies and Distortions From Eric Cantor

I've put the lies and/or distortions in bold, with explanations below the blockquote.
...The President will speak to the Brookings Institution today on his plan to try and get this economy back on track and Americans back to work. We welcome that attention to job creation, but the real question is whether it will just be words or whether there will be action. And I know I'll be looking to see what he does tomorrow, and that is will he continue with promoting the cap and trade bill, will he continue by promoting the trillion-dollar takeover of our health care in this country, paid for on the backs of small businesses. Because that's where I think the disconnect begins. How is it that this policy agenda in this town reflects what most people in this country want, which is a job...
1. No, you don't "welcome that attention to job creation." In fact, you voted against the economic recovery package which the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says has generated up to 1.6 million jobs already. You also have consistently talked down the U.S. economy and taken no responsibility for fixing it, even though your party played a huge role in trashing in the first place. Pathetic.

2. You have the chutzpah to talk about "action," when it's been the party you lead that has become rightfully known as the "Party of No," the party that wants to "break" President Obama even at the cost of tremendous damage to our country? Again, pathetic.

3. This obsession with "cap and trade," a market-based idea that came out of the Reagan and Bush 41 administrations, would be bizarrely comical if it wasn't so wrongheaded. The fact is, taking action on clean tech, green jobs, and shifting our economy away from carbon-based fuels will have enormous national security, economic and environmental benefits. Why on earth you'd oppose this is beyond me, except that you are the leader of a party that has degenerated to the point where it's mindlessly, knee-jerk reactionary and nothing more. That isn't the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, or hell even Ronald Reagan. Again, it's just pathetic.

4. Your comments about health care reform are just outright lies. As a matter of fact, the only aspect of health care reform that can even remotely be considered "government run healthcare" is the public option, which now has been so watered down (and possibly killed altogether) that to claim it's a "trillion-dollar takeover of our health care in this country" is venturing into batshit-crazy territory. And where on earth did you get this talking point about health care reform hurting small business, when in fact it's the current health care system that imposes a huge, de facto tax on business in this country, eats into their profits, and makes our companies less competitive than Japanese or European companies? Yet again, your position is wrong, it's false, and it's pathetic.

5. Finally, while it's true that "what most people in this country a job," your party has done absolutely nothing to create any. Amazingly, you even held a job fair in your district recently, at which over half the jobs were provided by the economic recovery package that you opposed! So yeah, people want jobs, but again, your party has been consistently an obstacle to creating those jobs, and even worse, has been constantly talking down the economy as if you actually want it to fail. For the last time (in this article, anyway), Eric Cantor, you and your party are pathetic.