
Friday, December 4, 2009

McDonnell Outpsent Deeds 2:1 In Closing Weeks of Campaign

Courtesy of VPAP, here's the amount of money raised and spent from October 22, 2009 through November 26, 2009 for the three statewide races. Bob McDonnell outspent Creigh Deeds by more than 2:1 in the closing weeks of the campaign, Bill Bolling outspent Jody Wagner by about 24%, and Steve Shannon crushed Ken Cuccinelli in spending by a more than 3:1 margin. As far as I can tell, there's little or no correlation here between how the candidate ended up performing and whether or not they outspent their opponent. But, of course, the downballot races were closely linked to the top of the ticket in this election, so that's probably not so surprising (although it raises the question as to why more people didn't split their ballots, at least in the Shannon-Cooch race).

Bob McDonnell: raised $2,517,726, spent $3,754,202
Creigh Deeds: raised $909,262, spent $1,755,445

Lieutenant Governor
Bill Bolling: raised $470,272, spent $862,072
Jody Wagner: raised $467,213, spent $693,649

Attorney General
Steve Shannon: raised $909,262, spent $1,265,470
Ken Cuccinelli: raised $367,706, spent $389,079