
Friday, December 18, 2009

Kos Kicks Chris Matthew's Sorry Butt

My personal comment to Chris Matthews: I have voted in every election for years now. I have given money many times to Democratic candidates. I have phone banked, canvassed, and otherwise volunteered for Democratic candidates. I have been a precinct captain. I have worked for a state Democratic Party, a Congressional candidate, and a Lieutenant Governor candidate. I have "drafted" James Webb and worked on his U.S. Senate campaign, helping him defeat George Allen and helping Democrats take back the U.S. Senate in 2006. I have written a book on netroots campaigning, published by Praeger Publishers. I have run one of the largest state-based Democratic and progressive blogs in the country. What the #$!#$@#$! have you done lately, besides mouth off and insult dedicated, hard working people on the boob tube?!? Oh yeah, since you're obviously not too bright Chris, that last question was rhetorical. Dumbass.