All this plays out in Prince William County, Virginia, a community only a few hours’ drive from Hampton Roads. The film captures jaw-dropping insensitivity, ignorance, and racism, much of which has grown from these insecurities. This documentary shows how a political perfect storm of a highly influential anti-immigration blogger, a politician looking for reelection, and a community unsure about what the new face of America will look like, and how all this created a climate of intolerance that led to the passage of an abusive law.For more on "9500 Liberty," see here.
The film provides us with insight into the concerns driving the immigration debate in America, and the need for us to reconcile new social media to the democratic process.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Excellent Review of "9500 Liberty"; See It Tonight in Norfolk
I just wanted to point out this excellent review of the film "9500 Liberty" and remind everyone that there's a screening tonight at the Naro theater in Norfolk. Here's an excerpt from the review: