
Saturday, December 5, 2009

DPVA Central Via Twitter

I didn't drive to Staunton today for the DPVA Central Committee meeting. I know, bad blogger. :) Anyway, there are people tweeting away; here's a sampling followed by my (often snarky) comments.

Danny Barefoot tweets:
"Ward Armstrong telling us there is no need for change in structure or leadership, ppl were just nervous about #hcr"//WTF?!?!?
"Democratic party of Va: only place where there are losses all around everyone keeps their job and gets rewarded (at state central meeting)"//This is utterly pathetic, really really pisses me off. I'm glad I'm not in Staunton, cuz my blood pressure would be really high right now.
"Got to love dick saslaw for pointing out we got our asses whipped because of our own mistakes"//That's more like it; don't blame it on health care reform or anything but the fact that we had a bad candidate with a horrible campaign which ran away from "the base"
"Dick Saslaw: I'm going to be as fair to republicans as they were to me"//I'm starting to like Dick Saslaw...who would have thunk it? :)
"Creigh spoke for 38 seconds; best I have ever heard him"//Ha, maybe if he hadn't spoken at all during the 2005 or 2009 elections...anyways.
"Leigh Anne Collier gets 10K leaving bonus. I have heard of win bonus, never heard of getting our ass handed to us bonus."//Snark-a-licious goodness. Danny you should be a blogger! :)
"I'm not a progressive purest, there is room for conflicting positions in the tent. There is not room for 20 point losses."//Ditto.

Adam Sharp tweets:
"Ward Armstrong speaking at the DPVA Central Committee. He sounds desperate and is not persuasive."//No wonder why, based on what Danny Barefoot reported the guy has no clue.
"Dickie Cranwell painting a very positive picture of Kaine. Seriously, best chief executive in the nation?"//Hahahahahahahaha.
"Roz Helderman from the WaPo is yawning while Kaine talks about his legacy."//And rightly so. Go Roz! :)
"Kaine blames 2009 on enthusiastic Republicans. That doesn't sound like what he said before."//Well, it partly "enthusiastic Republicans," partly completely unenthused Democrats, partly a totally FUBAR campaign, totally FUBAR "coordinated campaign," totally FUBAR DPVA, etc.
"Poor Dickie Cranwell doesn't have a chair and has to stand while Kaine is speaking."//But he stays as DPVA "chair?"
"Standing ovation for Congressman Periello!"//Now THAT is deserved; go Tom!!!
"Periello tells the crowd to hold congressional Democrats' feet to the fire."//Agreed!
"It's good to see @MikeSigner staying active."//Agreed!
"Periello: 'I'm not satisfied with how far we've come.'"//Nor should any of the rest of us be satisfied.

Sean Holihan tweets:
"Creigh: I lost twice, I know full well what that means. I lost, Im notdefeated. There are still people who count on us."//Whatever.
"Shannon: We're going to need to stick together. Only way we're going to win."//Sure, but "stick together" with good leadership, strong progressive ideas, great candidates, etc.
"Shannon: lets elect Dave Marsden to the State Senate. Knock on doors December 12"//We could really use an extra cushion in the State Senate.
"Message from Warner: We'll come back. I'll be there to help, I'll be around the state."//Yes we will, but ONLY if we get our act together, get some competent leadership, and stand for strong progressive values.

Kip Malinosky tweets:
"Congressman Perriello is a rockstar for the poor and middle class"//Go Tom!

Rosalind Helderman writes:
"There is acknowledgment all the way around that the election results did not turn out the way party members had hoped, but also a fair amount of brave face discussions that suggest the party's fortunes are better than they might first appear."//How so?
"...there is a lot of talk in Staunton about whether November's true message was that Democrats must take bolder progressive stands so voters understand what they are all about."//Uh, ya think? :)
"To that end, the central committee will today consider a resolution that would declare the party's support for health care reform including a public option."//Yes, Public Option Please!!!
"As we learned from the last election, we can't just run as Republican Lite and win," said steering committee member Linda Brooks, of Newport News, encouraging the group to back the resolution. "We want health care reform. They're watering it down. If we don't act like Democrats, we're going to lose. We'll keep losing.
I don't even know her, but Linda Brooks is a very VERY smart lady.