
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Does Anyone Know What Doug Wilder's Talking About?

If anyone has any idea what Doug Wilder is talking about here, I'd love to know, because as far as I can tell, it's a bunch of incoherent, self-centered drivel. It's not even that I disagree with what Wilder writes, I simply have no idea what the heck he's trying to get at, except to blather on aimlessly. As one commenter puts it:
Another waste of newsprint, as once again Wilder mainly talks about himself and acts as his head cheerleader. Beyond self-congratulation, his columns lack substance beyond the obvious.
My "favorite" lines from Wilder's op-ed?

*"I want to add the observation of one who literally predicted the Deeds defeat in the pre-mortem published in this newspaper weeks prior to the election."//Wow, a few weeks before the election, you "literally" predicted that Deeds would lose? That's just amazing; you and about a gazillion other people who had been watching the race for months. Also, why "literally?" As opposed to figuratively? Metaphorically? Epistemologically? Whatever.

*"I will state that Deeds' inability to resonate with the base of the party was not his only failure, as some have claimed."//No, you don't say!!! I'll tell ya, it's at times like this that I'm grateful we have Doug Wilder around. I mean, who would have ever figured out that the Deeds campaign didn't just have one failing? I know I never would have, even though I wrote a lengthy "After Action Report" that went through all of this in excruciating detail.

*"I am not saying that my refusal to endorse Deeds was the cause of his defeat."//My god, can any human being be any more self centered than Doug Wilder? Riiiiight, your failure to endorse Deeds caused him to lose by 18 points. [[rolls eyes]]

*"The senator from Bath County was not left floating like an abandoned buoy surrounded by nothing but the endless Chesapeake."//Warning! Warning! Really bad metaphor alert! Also, last I checked the Chesapeake wasn't "endless," in fact that's why it's a "bay" - "an area of water mostly surrounded or otherwise demarcated by land." LOL

*"The excitement and exuberance caused by the 2008 election has been suffused with numerous challenging and difficult hurdles, even more so than our nation has seen in previous years"//"Suffused with...hurdles?" Huh? The definition of "suffuse" is "To spread through or over, as with liquid, color, or light." How can you "spread through or over" a hurdle? Got me.

On and on it goes, what Doug Wilder's talking about, nobody knows. But one thing's for sure: the fact that his blatherings are published in the Republican Times-Disgrace Richmond Times-Dispatch proves once again - as if we needed any more evidence - that the corporate media is in its last gasps, drowning, "surrounded by nothing but the endless Chesapeake." Or something. :)