
Monday, December 14, 2009

Dem's Cave to Holy Joe, Sadly Noone Is Surprised

Yes, cave in to Joe Lieberman's mishegas (Joe knows what that means) on health care reform - brilliant! (but sadly, not surprising)

Meanwhile, just to show what a schmuck (to use another word I'm pretty sure this fine "independent Democrat" understands) here's Joe Lieberman in a September 8, 2009 interview with the Connecticut Post where he proposes giving people as young as 50 the "option to buy into Medicare early."

I hate to say "I told you so," but I urged that Democrats boot Lieberman from their caucus when he endorsed John McCain. I also warned that if Democrats didn't boot Lieberman, he'd never respect them in the future or show any party unity/discipline. Well, guess what guys? Hmmmmmmmmmm.