Saturday, December 19, 2009
"Concerned Customers" Give Hard Times a Hard Time
Please tell me this ("We received two e-mails from concerned customers that we were disregarding the safety of our customers by asking them to come out in bad weather.") is a joke. People are freaking out because a restaurant emailed its customers to let them know it's open in the snowstorm? Un-be-f***ing-lievable. Just for that, I strongly encourage everyone to eat at Hard Times Cafe, locations in Alexandria, Arlington (Clarendon), Fairfax, Fredericksburg, Manassas, Springfield, and Woodbridge. I'm seriously thinking about asking my wife to walk over to the one in Clarendon to grab some veggie chili, onion rings and a beer. Mmmmmmmmmmm....Hard Times onion rings......and beer (not Duff)..... :)