
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Barack Obama Discusses "Sexy" Energy Efficiency at Home Depot in Alexandria

The Washington Post reports:
At the warehouse store in Alexandria, Obama held a roundtable discussion with a small group representing labor and manufacturers and installers of energy efficient material. He said devoting public dollars to retrofitting is an example of the "strategic surgical steps" he hopes to take to stimulate the economy and create jobs while also addressing environmental concerns.

"We've got to get beyond the point where we think being smart on energy is a job destroyer," he said. "It's a job creator."

Standing before tall displays of "Energy Star" insulation, water heaters advertised as "tax-credit eligible" and other products marketed as energy-efficient, then spoke to a larger crowd of members of Congress, Home Depot executives and the media.

"Somebody said at the round table that insulation's not sexy," he said. "I disagree. Here's what's sexy about it: saving money."
Also present at the event were Sen. Mark Warner, Rep. Gerry Connolly, Rep. Jim Moran, and Alexandria Mayor William Euille.