
Thursday, November 19, 2009

VPAP Maps: McDonnell Won 29 Senate and 75 House Districts

Excellent map, check out VPAP for more. In short, Bob McDonnell defeated Creigh Deeds in 75 out of 100 House of Delegates districts and 29 out of 40 State Senate districts.

In the 37th State Senate district, where Sen. Ken Cuccinelli is leaving and Del. Dave Marsden is seeking to succeed him, McDonnell defeated Deeds 57%-43% (Bill Bolling and Cooch also won the district). In contrast, Barack Obama won the 37th by a 55%-44% margin over John McCain in 2008, and Jim Webb defeated George Allen in the district by a 54%-45% margin in 2006. Basically, this is a district that should be "blue," but one that went for far-right wingnut Ken Cuccinelli repeatedly. So we'll see, but right now, Republicans have the energy and Democrats don't. Until that changes, we're not going to win seats like this one.

UPDATE: On August 5, NLS predicted that Bob McDonnell would win "75 of 100 [House] districts overall." The final result, as noted above? McDonnell won 75 of 100 House districts. Not too shabby.