
Monday, November 30, 2009

Virginia's Richest and Poorest Representatives

Over at Roll Call, they've got a table listing "the minimum value of the assets and liabilities of Members of the House of Representatives as reported on their 2009 financial disclosure forms (covering calendar year 2008)." Here are the minimum net worths for Virginia's representatives in Congress.

Eric Cantor: $2.1 million
Jim Moran: $2.0 million
Gerry Connolly: $1.2 million
Randy Forbes: $969,000
Bob Goodlatte: $750,000
Frank Wolf: $401,000
Glenn Nye: $214,000
Rick Boucher: $84,000
Rob Wittman: $41,000
Tom Perriello: -$29,000
Bobby Scott: -$38,000

For comparison purposes, the richest Representatives are Darrell Issa (R-CA), with $165 million; and Jane Harman (D-CA), with $112 million. The poorest Representative is Alcee Hastings (D-FL), with -$2.1 million; John Salazar (D-CO), with -$323,000; and Bart Stupak (D-MI), with -$303,000 net worth. In Virginia, for what it's worth, it appears it's neither the "best of times" or the "worst of times" financially for our House delegation.