
Sunday, November 15, 2009

To Burn, Or Not To Burn....

...That is the question.
The chairman of the Danville TEA Party Patriots said yesterday he was unsure about whether the group will continue with its planned effigy burning of Rep. Tom Perriello, D-5th District, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at a bonfire rally Saturday in Blairs.

Hours after news of the bonfire hit the Internet on Friday, at least one national news outlet had the story on its Web site, among dozens of bloggers. Chairman Nigel Coleman said coverage of and public reaction to the event was "kinda strange."

"We've been getting a lot of flack about this," Coleman said, "about burning those two in effigy and a lot of people in the public are unhappy about it. The story has gotten so large, it's kinda strange."
Uh...actually, what's "kinda strange" is grown men and women burning people in effigy, or even thinking about doing that. As DCCC chairman Chris Van Hollen said, "These shocking and despicable acts are becoming all too common at extreme right-wing Republican rallies...While there should be a robust debate about reforming America's broken health insurance system, violent expressions are beyond the boundaries of a respectful debate." Apparently, that concept is too difficult for people like Nigel Coleman to understand.