

Thank You Republicans!

Friday, November 6, 2009

We all need to never forget who and what caused this horrible recession: Republicans (George W. Bush, Tom DeLay, Eric Cantor et al.) and Republican economic policies ("trickle down," deregulation, the market is never wrong, crony capitalism, corruption, massive deficit spending, massive trade deficits, oil addiction forever, failure to address structural problems like rising health care costs, failure to invest in the nation's infrastructure, artificially inflating a housing bubble that inevitably burst, etc., etc.). Now, as usual, Democrats are forced to "grab a mop" and clean up the mess Republicans left behind.

Also, back here in Virginia, just remember that we just elected a governor who thinks Bush economic policies were great and thinks doing more of what got us into this mess will help matters. I guess Bob McDonnell never heard the one about "when you're deep in a hole, the first thing you should do is stop digging!"