
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tell Warner & Webb: Tea Party Doesn't Represent Virginia

Posted by The Green Miles

As Talking Points Memo has been tracking, a thousand or so people have been shouting their way around Congress today for the "Capitol Hill Tea Party." It was organized by Rep. Michele "War on Light Bulbs" Bachmann, who ranks south of even Sarah Palin on Teh Crazy Scale.

I just called over to the offices of Sen. Mark Warner & Sen. Jim Webb, leaving messages asking them to support health insurance reform that includes a strong public option:
Sen. Mark Warner - 202-224-2023

Sen. Jim Webb - 202-224-4024
Please take a minute to do the same! If you talk to anyone in their offices, let us know what you hear in comments.

UPDATE by Lowell: Amazingly, Rep. Rick Boucher is UNDECIDED on urgently needed health care reform! Please call his office at 202-225-3861 or fax him at 202-225-0442 and tell him to vote YES on providing high-quality, affordable health care coverage to all Americans! Thanks.