
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rumors on the DPVA Chair and Other Matters

I'm hearing all kinds of rumors from Democratic sources on the Democratic Party of Virginia chair situation and other matters. With regard to the first issue, current chair Dickie Cranwell was reelected (for another 4-year term) in June, but after Virginia Democrats got crushed a couple of weeks ago, there are questions out there about "what next for the DPVA?" Here's some of what people - all "D"s - are telling me.

DPVA Chair
*Cranwell has no intention of stepping down as chair.
*Cranwell says he has no intention of stepping down, but actually would step down, as long as someone to his liking takes over the job.
*Brian Moran's interested in being chair, but only if Cranwell steps down.
*Brian Moran's not interested in being chair, because he wants to focus on his new job at the CCA (or various other possible reasons why not).
*Terry McAuliffe's not interested in the job at this time, as he's focused right now on building green energy businesses in Virginia (the latter part of this is definitely not a rumor, as he told me so himself).
*Jim Webb, Tim Kaine and Mark Warner are worried about next year and beyond, and are trying to get some strong leadership in there.
*Webb is starting to get worried about 2012, as it looks like Tom Davis - who would be a potentially super-strong opponent - is going to run against him.
*Kaine is supposedly pushing Jody Wagner for the job, but so far she hasn't taken it (if it's even available, that is).
*Another strong possibility I've heard mentioned is Del. Jennifer McClellan, a DNC member and vice chair of the DVPA.
*A few other names I've heard bandied about for chair include former LG candidate Mike Signer (not sure if he's interested), recently-defeated-for-reelection Del. Joe Bouchard (sounds like he's not interested) and Virginia Secretary of Administration Viola Baskerville (no clue if she's interested).

Governor 2013
*The Democratic names I'm hearing are, in no particular order: Terry McAuliffe, Chap Petersen and Gerry Connolly. Anyone else hearing other names? Brian Moran, perhaps?

State Senate
*Sen. Edd Houck will almost certainly take a job in the McDonnell administration, although Majority Leader Dick Saslaw is scrambling to keep him from doing so. If Houck takes the job and Democrats don't hold his 17th District seat (which is highly likely given the district's rightward lean), the Republicans will effectively take control of the State Senate.

*Houck's main motivation is to get the higher salary and "high-three" years for his pension.

*Another possible Democratic Senator who Bob McDonnell might be trying to woo is John Miller, who used to be a Republican and who will need a job after June, when his funding at CNU apparently runs out.

*Internal polling on the 37th State Senate district - which Ken Cuccinelli will vacate due to his election as Attorney General of Virginia - indicates that this is going to be a tough one for Democrats to hold, but that (supposedly) Dave Marsden was the "least weak" possibility for the seat. How good are polls like these? My guess is, not good at all.

*Dick Saslaw is the one who "chose" Marsden over other possible candidates in the 37th, like Janet Oleszek (who lost to Cooch by 101 votes in 2007) or Del. Chuck Caputo (who just lost his reelection bid).

Anyone else hearing anything interesting out there?