
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Palin Last Minute Robocalls Into Virginia for McDonnell? [UPDATED]

A little while ago, I saw this tweet by Adam Sharp:
Just got a robocall from Sarah Palin for Bob McDonnell! He could still lose if that endorsement becomes widely known ... Please retweet!
Anyway, I just got off the phone with Adam and he confirms that yes, indeed, Sarah Palin's doing last minute robocalling into Virginia for Bob McDonnell, as his household received one earlier this evening. According to Adam Sharp, former Gov. Palin talked for about half the call saying who she was, and the rest of the call saying how important it was "to our values" (or something along those lines) to vote for Bob McDonnell. What's clever about these calls - Sunday evening before the election, almost certainly targeted at people who have voted in Republican primaries, as one of Adam's family members did in the past - is that there's almost no way they can backfire, but they can help fire up "the base" without alienating Democrats and independents who don't like Sarah Palin. Cleeeeever.

P.S. It's also worth mentioning that Bob McDonnell initially seemed inclined to have Palin come campaign for him, but then backed off, probably out of fear that Palin would do more harm than good.

UPDATE: Here are recent poll numbers on Palin. Needless to say, 27% positive/46% negative (according to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll) is not very good, but people who love her really love her, hence the Sunday-night-before-the-election robocalls to "the base."

UPDATE #2: I see that Ryan Nobles has been digging and has found a lot more information regarding this call. Best of all, someone actually managed to record the it is - a bit different than what Adam Sharp described to me (although he emailed to say he still believes he heard "McDonnell" - as well as the other stuff he mentioned to me - in the call he received last night; maybe there were different versions of the call?), but it definitely sounds like Sarah Palin (you betcha!! lol) and definitely talks about "vote your values." Sarah Palin - or whoever it is - also urges that Virginians "Vote for Sarah principles" on Tuesday. The call is paid for by the "Virginia Faith and Freedom Coalition," which Nobles believes may be connected to this group. Interesting.