
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Meet the Effigies!

These are the effigies of Nancy Pelosi and Tom Perriello that were going to be burned by "tea partiers" until "liberal blogs" (translation: Blue Virginia and Firedoglake) scared them off. Click here for ABC13 video on this ever developing story. LOL

P.S. Also, I strongly recommend this story on Tom Perriello. I love this, for instance, which proves that Tom Perriello is a different kind of politician, and definitely in a good way!
In the midst of a discussion of the health care fight, Perriello suddenly declared, "As bad as the Democrats are at communicating -- and I've never been part of any organization in my life that is as bad as communicating as the Democratic Party." A moment later, the freshman legislator explained the source of his ire at the party that had nurtured him: "We've been able to take two issues that 70 percent of Americans support -- energy independence and health care reform -- and turn them into short-term political liabilities, even though I think they'll be long-term political assets."
What next, turning tax cuts for 95% of Americans into a net political loser? Oh wait, Democrats did that too. I'll tell you, this party really makes it hard to be a supporter; thank god the alternative is so heinously bad!