As the 8th Senate District race between Jeff McWaters and Virginia Beach Councilwoman Rosemary Wilson runs further off the rails of legitimate campaigns and into a mudslinging contest from both sides, the stage is being set for a very similar nomination fight that will come on the heels of this special election, for the 2nd District. Given the rapidly deteriorating environment in the 8th, there is every reason to believe that the 2nd District nomination process will be just as disturbing, if not more so.Yes, and I strongly encourage you guys - Republicans, "conservatives," teabaggers, etc. - to continue spending your time doing just that in congressional districts all over the country. With economists now forecasting the economy to turn around in 2010, that might be just the boost we Democrats need to minimize our mid-term losses in November 2010 and maybe even stage a few unexpected victories. From all of us on the "blue team," we thank you! :)
Now that we’ve proceeded into an official primary battle, the candidates and supporters from both sides are dredging up negative information, church info, abortions, tax increases, Obama-Care and other trivial nonsense that has nothing to do with representing the 8th District in the State Senate. None of it matters, campaigns should be run on issues, particularly this campaign that we are assured of winning. Instead, both sides have spent time and energy tearing the other side down and I fear it will only continue to worsen over the next two weeks. That does not bode well for the 2nd District nomination fight.
At a pivotal time in the Commonwealth, with the wind at our backs, instead of uniting and growing our party by debating the issues that matter and the issues that govern us, we’re spending our time tearing the party apart from within with derision and divisional tactics...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Maybe Glenn Nye Will - and Other Democrats - Will Get Reelected After All?
Given his votes against clean energy/climate action and health care reform, I'm not exactly thrilled with Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd) right now. In fact, I'd go so far as to say I'd be happy to see him primaried by a strong progressive candidate. However, this doesn't look likely right now, so the choice for voters in the 2nd District come November 2010 will most likely come down to Nye and a sure-to-be-even-worse Republican (plus, if we're lucky, a third-party conservative candidate like Doug Hoffman in NY-23). Which is why I found this article in Bearing Drift to be so interesting. In short, it looks like Republicans are tearing each other apart, opening the door to Glenn Nye's reelection in this "swing district."