
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Krystal Ball on MSNBC

If anyone doubts that having a memorable name is a huge net positive in politics, I present Exhibit A: 1st CD Democratic candidate Krystal Ball on MSNBC this morning. :) In all seriousness, though, in politics or show biz, having something memorable about you is important, at least to catch people's attention for a second and get them to give you a chance. Then, obviously, it's up to you to win them over. In this case, I think Krystal Ball did an excellent job in her national TV debut. Frankly, for an unknown candidate (out of hundreds of House candidates) and a major underdog (beating Rob Wittman will be tough, although not impossible - just ask Virgil Goode about that), simply getting on national TV is a major accomplishment. After that, if you don't make a fool of yourself you're way ahead, and if you actually have something to say and/or can say it well - as Krystal Ball did on both counts in this interview - you're doing fantastic.