
Friday, November 20, 2009

Jon Stewart: We Are Not a "Fragile" Country

That's the fundamental - albeit oversimplified - difference between Progressives and Conservatives right there. Progressives believe America is truly strong, particularly when it lives up to its highest values, and can do great things if it puts its mind to them. Conservatives fear that America is "fragile" and must cower in a corner somewhere, "conserving" what we've already got, never taking any risks, and never hoping for better.

That's why I'm a Teddy Roosevelt Progressive, because I believe America, when it lives up to its highest ideals, is a great force for good in the world. I'm also not afraid to put those ideals up alongside those of scumbags like Osama bin Laden or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and let everyone see for themselves why our values are superior. My questions to Conservatives are simple: what are you so afraid of and why do you have so little faith in America?