
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Health Care Legislation Update: With Democrats Like These, Who Needs Republicans?

So, it looks like Harry Reid has 60 votes to allow the U.S. Senate - aka, the world's greatest obstructionist body - to proceed to debate health care reform legislation. Mind you, this isn't 60 votes to actually vote on the bill. That, unfortunately, will require yet another vote of 60 Senators in order to cut off an expected filibuster of the legislation by The Party of No and "We Want President Obama to Fail."

Unfortunately, our problems aren't just with the Party of No, also known as the "I've got mine, so f*** you" party, also known as the Republicans. They're also with people like Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, who would be well advised to listen to people like the man in this video (David McDonald of Little Rock), not to whoever is advising her to vote against final cloture if a public option remains in the bill.

Another Democrat who is acting more like a Republican at the moment is Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, who is now saying "she thinks Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will soon have to choose between a triggered public option and no health care bill." The problem, as mcjoan at Daily Kos points out, is that a "trigger" effectively means no public option at all and "should not be supported by anyone calling themselves a progressive." Or, I'd add, by anyone calling themselves a Democrat.

Then there's Joe Lieberman, an Independent who is allowed to caucus with the Democrats even though he campaigned for McCain/Palin in 2008. The less we talk about LIEberman, the better. Let's just make sure we defeat him in 2012.

In the end, it's all going to come down to "Democrats" like these three (and possibly others like Ben Nelson of Nebraska?), and their willingness not just to vote "nay" on the bill, but to actually support a Republican filibuster of the legislation. This situation is utterly absurd and anger inducing, that the vast majority of Americans support a public option yet a handful of conservative "Democrats" are going to do whatever they can to block the desire of the American people. And for no good reason, either, except possibly to please their campaign donors and corporate masters. Frankly, with Democrats like these, who needs Republicans?!?

P.S. It's also going to come down to Harry Reid's willingness to do what it takes to get this legislation through the Senate. Remember, Senator Reid, Republicans managed to get an awful lot (emphasis on "awful") through the Senate in 2001-2006, when they barely had a majority, let alone 60 caucus members. We're really going to see what Harry Reid is made of the next few weeks. Unfortunately, I can't say I'm particularly optimistic.

UPDATE: Here's another constituent - Steve Maitlin of Little Rock - who Blanche Lincoln should be listening to. What an incredible contrast between real people waiting in line at a free health care clinic in Arkansas and the b.s. that Blanche Lincoln (not to mention the Republicans!) were spewing forth earlier today on the Senate floor.