
Thursday, November 5, 2009

GOP Health Care Bill A "Cruel, Sick Joke"

This is exactly why nobody in their right mind should vote Republican, and also why Democrats should stop thinking they can "reach across the aisle" to these jerks.
Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner released his party’s health care reform “alternative” on Tuesday. The bill is a cruel sick joke. It does not ban insurance companies from refusing to cover pre-existing conditions. It guts state health insurance regulations, and lets insurance companies charge sicker people more.
In short, "The Republicans don’t see a problem that should be and/or can be solved." That pretty much sums it all up.

UPDATE: Ezra Klein weighs in with "Congressional Budget Office Thrashes Republican Health-Care Plan". Klein writes, "The only thing worse than having no health-care reform plan is releasing a bad one, getting thrashed by CBO and making the House Democrats look good in comparison." Hahahahaha.