
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Frank Wolf's Franking Frankly a Waste of Your Money

Frank Wolf's at it again, complaining about the debt (which, I would point out, was run up mostly under Republican presidents) while wasting taxpayer money on glossy mailers touting his latest spiel.
This is an expensive piece of propaganda. It's four colors, printed on heavy, coated paper, complete with pictures and bleeds. It states that it was "prepared, published, and mailed at taxpayer expense" to what appears to be a large purchased list. I'm going to assume that he only sent it to people in his congressional district, but there's no way to know that.

This mailing would have been acceptable had Wolf used campaign funds or personal money to pay for it. But using taxpayer dollars to ask people to give him credit for trying to reduce the spending of taxpayer dollars is totally inappropriate and utterly ridiculous. The fact that he didn't realize this makes you question rather than admire his budget cutting credentials.
This isn't the first time Wolf has done something like, and it likely won't be the last (until he retires or we replace him with a Democrat!). For instance, see here. Frankly, Frank, this is getting tedious! :)