
Monday, November 9, 2009

Frank Wolf Links Health Reform, 9/11 Attacks!

OK, I always knew that Frank Wolf wasn't the "moderate" he claims to be, but this is truly unbelievable. Check it out; the guy has gone totally "tea party" on us!

This is what Frank Wolf had to say on Friday in opposition to the health reform bill that ended up passing the House of Representatives on Saturday night. "Frank"ly, Wolf sounds no saner than Michele Bachmann and her merry band of "Obama is a Communist" tea partiers. I've gotta say, Wolf also sounds like his next line is going to be, "you kids get off my LAWN!!!" All kidding aside, though, check out this craziness from Frank Wolf and judge for yourself. Also, as you're listening, note that Frank Wolf never opposed George W. Bush as he cranked up our national debt by trillions of dollars in order to give huge tax breaks to rich people and to launch a war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Hypocrisy, thy name is Frank Wolf!
This happens to be Uncle Sam, he is saying, "don't let the debt defeat a great nation." We are obligated to China, China holds a large portion of our debt. The Saudis hold a large portion of our debt; the Saudis, who funded the radical madrasas up on the Pakistan-Afghan border and some who were on the airplanes that killed the people on 9/11, 30 more or so from my congressional district, hold our debt. We need to get control of this debt and the health care bill will not lower costs, the health care bill will cost over a trillion! What kind of a legacy are we leaving for our children...
Wow. What next, comparing health care reform to the Nazis? Oh wait, I'd better not give Wolf any ideas! Heh.