
Monday, November 2, 2009

Eugene Delgaudio Gets Big Cheer at McDonnell/Bolling/Cooch Rally

It's great to see Eugene Delgaudio is so popular among McDonnell/Bolling/Cooch supporters. Who is Eugene Delguadio?
Eugene Delgaudio currently represents the Sterling District on the Loudoun County, Virginia, Board of Supervisors. He is also the executive director of the conservative non-profit organization, Public Advocate of the U.S. According to the Washington Post, "Delgaudio has become a leader in the nation's anti-gay rights movement". He is also called "one of the key leaders" in the extreme conservative view of "moral health". He has also appeared on Fox News, opposing the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers, suggesting Ann Coulter instead.

Delgaudio was a board member of conservative youth group Young Americans for Freedom. In 1981, he started Public Advocate of the U.S., a conservative activist group known for its street theater and protests opposing taxes and homosexuality. He has staged numerous protests outside the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Capitol including a “Perverts for Cellucci” rally opposing the nomination of Paul Celucci as ambassador to Canada, A man-donkey wedding to support the Federal Marriage Amendment, and a “Kennedy Sobriety Checkpoint” to draw attention to Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy’s (D-RI) car accident. In August 2007, he introduced a resolution asking the county administrator to find out what county services can be denied to undocumented immigrants. He has also controversially asked Muslims if they "come in peace" and whether they pledge allegiance to the United States.

In addition, Delgaudio "has been an outspoken critic on the board of environmental groups and an advocate of homebuilders in Loudoun" and "has been opposed to expanding government services and the school budget, including opposing parks and libraries in the county." As if all that isn't crazy enough, Delgaudio "voted on the board to disallow the Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter to rent space in a County facility because of their opposition to the [Marshall-Newman] amendment" and even "opposed the anti-bullying message of the D.A.R.E. program in the schools."

In sum, Eugene Delgaudio is so right wing he makes Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling and Ken Cuccinelli look like liberals. This is the guy that's so popular among supporters of the McDonnell/Bolling/Cooch. "The company you keep..."