Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Dana Perino: Ft. Hood Was Terrorism, But 9/11 Wasn't?
"I don't say this to be political, I think it matters what we call it...we had a terrorist attack on our country [at Ft. Hood]."
"But, you know, we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term." - Dana Perino, White House Press Secretary for the Worst President Ever (aka, George W. Bush)
Got that? Despite the fact that the evidence is sketchy and there's been no firm conclusion by law enforcement officials, Dana Perino says it was definitively a "terrorist attack" at Ft. Hood (maybe she did her own investigation or had Dick Cheney do one of his own?). On the other hand, apparently forgetting what happened to this country on 9/11/01, nine months after George W. Bush took office, Perino says there was no terrorist attack on America during the Bush Administration. Well, alrighty then...