
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Washington Post House of Delegates Endorsements

I agree with all of these endorsments, except for the 38th House of Delegates district, where the Washington Post is wildly wrong to endorse Danny Smith over the excellent Kaye Kory. Other than that screwup, the Post gets it right:

*John Bell - "a sober, sane Democrat" over Bob Marshall - "author of off-the-wall legislative antics that even members of his own Republican Party regard as clownish" - in the 13th.

*"[K]nowledgeable problem-solver" Dave Poisson over "glib businessman" Thomas "Tag" Greason in the 32nd.

*"[S]mart, effective, and deeply knowledgeable" Margi Vanderhye over Bush political appointee Barbara Comstock in the 34th.

*Mark Keam - "one of the most promising new faces in local politics" - over "lawyer-lobbyist" James E. Hyland in the 35th.

*"[C]onscientious, tough-minded" Ken Plum over "pleasant but unschooled" Hugh "Mac" Cannon in the 36th.

*David Bulova is "by far the best choice" over two opponents, neither of whom "offers a serious challenge," in the 37th.

P.S. More House of Delegates endorsements are coming soon; it will be particularly interesting to see if the Post goes with supposed "moderate" Republican Tom Rust over Stevens Miller. Also, I'm looking forward to their comments on the Albo-Werkheiser race.