
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

VCU Poll: McDonnell 54%-Deeds 36%

Another day, yet another horrible poll.
In the final days of the gubernatorial campaign, Robert McDonnell holds an 18‐point margin over his Democratic opponent, Creigh Deeds among likely voters in Virginia; 54% of likely voters support or lean to McDonnell, 36% support or lean to Deeds. A 56% majority of independents say they will vote for or lean to McDonnell while 29% of independents say they will vote for or lean to Deeds. Both candidates do well with rank‐and‐file members of their respective political parties. Fully 92% of Republicans support McDonnell, 5% support Deeds. Similarly, 81% of Democrats support Deeds, 10% support McDonnell. McDonnell holds a lead in all regions of the state.
Other news from this poll:

*Barack Obama has a 49%-48% (+1) approval rating in Virginia.
*Tim Kaine has a 43%-57% (-14) approval rating.
*41% believe that Virginia's on the "right track" vs. 44% who say "wrong track"
*By a 52%-41% margin, Virginians rate the financial management of Virginia as "poor" or "fair."
*65% of Virginians believe it "really matters who wins" next Tuesday, while 28% think "things will be pretty much the same regardless."
*Voters believe that Bob McDonnell will do better than Creigh Deeds in handling economic development, the state budget shortfall, transportation and education. By a slight margin (40%-37%), voters give Creigh the edge on handling the environment.
*46% of Virginians consider themselves Democrats/Lean Democratic, 40% Republican/Lean Republican and 14% Independent/Refused to lean.
*26% of Virginians are following the governor's race "extremely closely" or "very closely," with 70% following it "somewhat closely" or "not too closely."