
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Three Big Newspapers Endorse for Governor [UPDATE: Missed One]

The Republican Times-Disgrace (sorry, "Richmond Times-Dispatch") has a completely incoherent - but utterly predictable - endorsement of Bob McDonnell. I'm not even going to repeat any of it here, except to laugh hysterically at the Times-Disgrace's belief that McDonnell has a "realistic" transportation plan. He doesn't. Period. Oh, also hilarious is the comparison of McDonnell's writings to those of Pope John Paul II! To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, "Bob McDonnell is no John Paul II."

The far-right-wing Free-Lance Star also endorses Pat Robertson's Manchurian Candidate (in what it calls a "dismal" governor's race), mainly because he's "articulate" and Creigh Deeds supposedly "is not a confident speaker." Of course, this is the same rag that repeatedly endorsed the ever-"misunderestimated" George W. Bush, for whom English appeared to be a second (third?) language. I'd simply ignore this one completely, except for possible entertainment value. [Note: the fact that this loony paper refused to endorse Ken Cuccinelli tells you everything you need to know about how radical that guy is]

Finally, the Virginian-Pilot endorses Creigh Deeds, although not "effusive[ly]" given that the 2009 Virginia governor's campaign has been "a profoundly frustrating contest of banalities" in which "[n]either candidate has made a convincing case on the merits of his ideas or the strength of his leadership." Not great, but the Virginian-Pilot does get in some good shots at Bob McDonnell (who it endorsed in 2005, btw), saying he "has too often flinched in the face of push-back from absolutists within his part" and that his "inability to resist divisive social issues could result in real harm to law-abiding Virginians with whom he should have no quarrel." Ultimately, the Virginian-Pilot concludes (correctly), McDonnell is "asking Virginia to follow him down a dead-end road." I'd actually say "off a cliff like Jim Gilmore," but close enough I guess...

UPDATE: Whoops, I missed, the Roanoke Times' endorsement of Creigh Deeds over Bob McDonnell. According to the Roanoke Times editorial board, Deeds is "better prepared to position Virginia to meet the challenges of the future." The board slams McDonnell's transportation plan - is this becoming a common theme or what? - as "a farce" - "a compendium of rejected ideas, supplemented by revenue from sources unlikely to pan out, topped off with money stolen from an already inadequate general fund." So true. In contrast, the Times' editorial board argues, "from energy development to education, Deeds demonstrates a clearer understanding of the issues and specific plans to work to better Virginia's response." In the end, "Virginia voters shouldn't let style win over substance" and "Creigh Deeds is the best candidate for the job."

UPDATE #2: Another one - the Bristol Herald-Courier endorsed Bob McDonnell, even though it acknowledged that what "McDonnell is pitching might not work." Replace "might not work" with "definitely WILL NOT WORK" and they would have been closer to the truth.