
Monday, October 19, 2009

Stolle Shifts Blame to His Fellow Professionals

Chris Stolle is alleging Delegate Bouchard (83rd) has besmirched the doctors and nurses in Hampton Roads. No, this is about a specific doctor who is blaming health professionals and the profession for his own shortcomings through his consistently misleading allegations against Bouchard. Surprising that Riverside Hospital isn't pulling the plug.

In a "fact check" segment about the Bouchard ad, newsman Andy Fox accepted Stolle's assertion that the figures cited by the ad were from the years 2004-2006 (two thirds of that time Stolle was at the hospital) as though that explains away his responsibility. The data was the best available information when it was collected. Only after the ad aired was the data get updated and the new data is nothing about which to crow. It is for a period during which Stolle was at the helm and it shows an infant mortality rate more than 50% higher than the dismal (compared to developed nations) national average and an increase in the complication rates for newborns by 12.7 % under his watch. The well funded Stolle has released a new attack ad alleging that Bouchard is somehow talking about all doctors and nurses in Hampoton Roads.

Dr. Stolle claims a role of responsibility on his website but has still failed to respond to the facts with a constructive explanation. His best effort has been to say that the cause of this performance is the demographic the hospital serves. There you have the blame it on the victim approach. He owns that dismal infant mortality rate – or he is untruthful about his role at the hospital. Instead, Stolle has tried to change the subject by talking about taxes. Is that really relevant? And where did Bouchard mention any other health professional in Hampton Roads?

More to follow.

Cross posted at VBDems