
Friday, October 2, 2009

The Shannon-Cooch Debate in Tweets

I missed the Steve Shannon-Ken Cuccinelli Attorney General debate on WTOP this morning at 10 am and will listen to it later. For now, here's the debate in tweets...enjoy.

@lsmith1964 Listening to debate b/t @steveshannon and Ken Cuccinelli #vagov

@Dankalbacher Wow, Cuccinelli already starts off with an attack that Steve wasn't allowed to go after. What a scumbag!

@lsmith1964 and Cuccinelli gets in a snarky dig with his first breath....

@richinva Cuccinelli's entire opening statement a long cheap shot against Shannon.

@lsmith1964 Ken Cuccinelli seems to want to whine about @steveshannon 's schedule..

@henry_mike cuccinelli is focused in attacks and his personal agenda, not public safety

@henry_mike Shannon: For Attorney General public safety should come first

@ValerieInRke Cuccinelli/Shannon debate hot - Cucci attacks dis Amber Alert

@JessiNic The more I listen to Cuccinelli the more I dislike him. He cannot be a leader in the Commonwealth. Negative never gets anything done.

@lsmith1964 Cuccinelli: "I'm the only candidate that has consistently defended....DOMA...."

@Dankalbacher Ken Cuccinelli talked about getting the "law wrong." He thinks assaulting a law enforcement officer is a misdemeanor! WRONG!

@lsmith1964 Oh snap! Cuccinelli just served by @steveshannon . "Ken's not going to defend...the a strict constructionist"

@vpaige @KenCuccinelli are you tweeting while debating? If your staff is doing it, they should identify themselves as such

@DanKalbacher Wow, talk about a testy debate!!

@henry_mike Cuccinelli thinks he is running for Chief Justice, not top cop

@henry_mike Cuccinelli: There is no global warming

@lsmith1964 Cuccinelli has lost his F-ing mind!!!!!! Global warming is a myth????

@henry_mike Great debate Steve proved why hes the man for the job.