...[Del. O'Bannon] consistently votes to limit and restrict women’s access and personal decision making when it comes to basic reproductive health care. His votes as Delegate are very anti-health and very anti-women; the worst part is that he is a doctor, so he definitely knows how much damage he is causing. O’Bannon has been a member of the House of Delegates since 2000 and throughout the years has, time after time, voted for anti-choice measures.One of many reasons to support Tom Shields for Delegate in the 73rd district.
As you can see, there is a definite pattern in the way Delegate John O’Bannon votes. If there is an anti-choice bill at hand, he is going to vote in its favor. His 100% approval rating from Virginia’s Family Foundation is proof that O’Bannon prides himself on his anti-choice votes. Nine years is too long to have an anti-choice, anti-woman representative in the House of Delegates. The 2009 election is our opportunity as voting women to take a stand and vote for the candidates who will support us and our health care options. Virginian women deserve better!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Planned Parenthood's "Friday Fraud": John O'Bannon
Over at Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, they've got a feature called "Friday Frauds." Today's "fraud" on women's reproductive rights is Del. John O'Bannon (R-73). Check this out: