
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Obama-Deeds Rally, the Day After

Sorry I'm getting to this late, but I wanted to add a few comments to Dan's post yesterday. The crowd, whose estimates ranged between 4,700 and 5,900, were certainly fired up. But, for who?

Clearly, Obama was the big draw here. Quite a few people I spoke to on their way in weren't really sure what to make of Creigh, or if they intended to vote on Nov. 3. I managed to catch up to a few of them after the event and they told me they liked what they heard from the President, and would "consider" voting for Creigh.

During the rally, it was all too clear who the crowd was there to see. Even the slightest mention of the President caused an eruption from the crowd. Creigh, and Jody Wagner, received a respectable amount of applause, but nowhere near the energy or enthusiasm I was looking for.

For his part, Creigh gave a much better stump speech than I've heard previously. He really tied together his background and left an impression of someone who understands what people are feeling these days.

Overall, I would say it was a good event that can only help Creigh, but definitely didn't have the appearance of the game changer Creigh is going to need to get to 50.1% on Nov. 3.