
Monday, October 5, 2009

McDonnell Campaign Claims Deeds Campaign is Attacking Sheila Johnson!?!

Yesterday, I wrote about the McDonnell campaign's unbelievable chutzpah, both specifically with its (ironically entitled) "Trust" ad, as well as in its campaign in general. Remember, the entire thrust of McDonnell's campaign has been to convince people that he isn't who he really is, that he's a "moderate" not a right-wing, Pat Robertson, "working women are a detriment to the family" ideologue. Now that is chutzpah, and you'd think it couldn't get any worse. But wait...

Today, we have the McDonnell campaign's reaction to a video of one of its top endorsers, Sheila Johnson, outrageously and disgracefully mocking Creigh Deeds for having a (small) speech impediment. Not only are the McDonnell folks unapologetic, they actually have the chutzpah to...well, see for yourself.
McDonnell spokesman Tucker Martin made no apologies for the routine -- McDonnell was sitting nearby during the speech. In a statement, McDonnell said that Deeds has been "unable to express any vision for Virginia's future" and "regularly takes two positions on important issues."

"Why the Deeds campaign wants to attack a prominent supporter of both Governor Tim Kaine and President Barack Obama, while reminding voters that she strongly supports Bob McDonnell for governor, is beyond us," Martin said.
Maybe we should call this "chutzpah chubed?" I mean, wow, the McDonnell people are nothing if not brazen about their arrogance, condescension, dissembling (aka, "lying"), and nastiness. For his part, Creigh Deeds merely said that he was "disappointed" by Johnson's Rush Limbaugh-like mocking (remember when Rush mocked Sonia Sotamayor for having a fractured ankle, or when he made fun of Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's Disease?) of his speech issues? Somehow, the McDonnell turns that around and makes it into Deeds "attacking" Sheila Johnson. Utterly amazing. And no, there's absolutely zero correlation whatsoever between being a smooth talker and actually having something worthwhile to say.

UPDATE: The DPVA says, "It's disappointing that the McDonnell campaign made such unacceptable comments in the first place, but it's down-right appalling that they refuse to apologize now that this video has surfaced."